Recruiting by Kimberly Yang. Complete alignment and full client collaboration in fulfillment of Executive Searches delivers the best talent available. My consultative approach and reputation as a trusted advisor allows clients to leverage best practices and market intelligence.

Unparalleled Expertise in Recruiting and Relationship development spanning 20 years, utilizing a patented, objective, science-based human assessment tool.


The edge is in the Science.
Thrive in the unpredictable new world.
Take control and enhance your WFH environment.


EQdysis stands for:


The process of shedding an external skeleton for the purpose of growth or change in shape ( see metamorphosis)

EQ abbreviation: Emotional Quotient

The phrase emotional intelligence, or its casual shorthand EQ, is the capability of individuals to recognize their own and other people's emotions, discern between different feelings and label them appropriately, use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, and manage and/or adjust emotions to adapt to environments or achieve one's goal(s).



A rigorous and thorough approach to talent fulfillment. We require a detailed job specification analysis to fully understand technical and non-technical requirements, as well as team dynamics and cultural attributes within the company.



A select group of partners and expansive network of candidates means the probabilities for favorable outcomes is greatly elevated.



THE HumanOp solution begins with an individual or team member completing The Ultimate Life Tool assessment.   The Ultimate Life Tool (ULT) is a cutting-edge patented Human Assessment technology.  Several important benefits of this powerful technology include the following:

  • Empowers clients with objective data to effectively optimize and leverage individual and team performance

  • Develops unique operating manuals for each individual in the organization enabling ideal placement, interaction and conflict resolution

  • Provides practical strategies to motivate both individuals and team to achieve goals

  • Lends insight into what “drives” a person and motivates them to want to do more.  Identifying and nurturing these “drivers” is proven to enhance human performance and potential.

You’ll receive a personalized operating manual describing who you are and what makes you tick. This guide will be key to optimizing how you function at work, home and with others.

Leverage this powerful tool by taking your assessment today.  Click below for your coupon code and a chance to take the assessment for free!

human optimization technologies


Superior service and outcomes should be your expectation. Every time.

Your professional partnership with EQdysis should be one marked by honesty and integrity and exceptional results. Adaptation demands a keen understanding of the self and one's environment.  IQ is no longer the benchmark.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the new standard by which superior talent should be measured. EQdysis embodies the need for continual growth & personal development while being mindful of social and personal responsibility and sensibilities. In order to maximize full potential the individual quest for excellence is an interminable pursuit.


Kind Words



Kimberly Yang